4905 Aurora Ave N & 817 N 50th St

4905 Aurora Ave N & 817 N 50th St
Welcome to our up-and-coming property near Woodland Park Zoo! This 120-unit apartment building – located at 4905 Aurora Ave N and 817 N 50th St – will be 5 stories, with commercial space and lobby on the ground level, and 30 stalls of below-grade parking. The SDCI project # is 005042-19PA. You can find more information about this project by searching the project number on the SDCI website.
Currently, we are in the pre-construction phase, and during this time community members are encouraged to comment.* We have created an online survey to facilitate this dialogue, it is available here.
An in-person site tour is also scheduled to be held Saturday, November 23rd from 9:30-11am. All are encouraged to attend.
For additional information, please contact Allison Schwartz at allison@livingbode.com.
*Any comments can be made public.